Anything Worth Doing: A Good Place to Start for Change

In our fast-paced and achievement-oriented society, we often associate success with perfection. We strive to be the best at everything we do, fearing failure and avoiding new endeavors until we feel fully prepared. However, this mindset can limit our growth and prevent us from taking necessary risks. The quote by Zig Ziglar “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, until you learn to do it well” challenges the notion of perfection and encourages us to embrace imperfection as an essential part of the learning process. In this blog post, we will unravel the wisdom behind this quote and explore how embracing imperfection can lead to personal and professional growth.

1. Embracing the Learning Journey:

The quote reminds us that learning is a continuous process and that perfection is not a prerequisite for starting something new. Whether it’s learning a musical instrument, acquiring a new skill, or embarking on a new career, it’s important to accept that initial attempts may be imperfect. By embracing this imperfect phase, we open ourselves up to valuable learning experiences and avoid the paralysis that comes from striving for an unattainable standard.

2. Overcoming the Fear of Failure:

Perfectionism often stems from a fear of failure. We hesitate to take on new challenges because we are afraid of making mistakes or not meeting our own expectations. However, the quote encourages us to reframe our perspective on failure. Instead of seeing mistakes as permanent setbacks, we should view them as stepping stones towards improvement. By allowing ourselves to do something poorly at first, we create an environment that fosters growth and resilience, ultimately reducing our fear of failure.

3. Cultivating Patience and Persistence:

Mastering a new skill or achieving excellence in any area requires patience and persistence. The quote reminds us that progress takes time and that we should be willing to invest the effort required. By accepting that initial attempts will be less than perfect, we can focus on the journey rather than the destination. This mindset shift allows us to develop a greater appreciation for the learning process, celebrating small victories along the way.

4. Leaning into Creativity and Innovation:

Perfectionism often stifles creativity and innovation because it restricts us to predefined standards and expectations. By giving ourselves permission to do something poorly initially, we open up space for experimentation and originality. Embracing imperfection encourages us to think outside the box, explore new possibilities, and take risks that can lead to breakthroughs and unexpected successes.

5. Inspiring Growth Mindset:

The quote embodies the essence of a growth mindset, a belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. By adopting a growth mindset, we shift our focus from fixed notions of talent and perfection to a mindset that values effort, learning, and continuous improvement. This mindset not only enhances our personal development but also inspires and influences those around us.


In a world obsessed with perfection, the quote “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you learn to do it well” serves as a powerful reminder to embrace imperfection and appreciate the value of the learning process. By allowing ourselves to start imperfectly and learn along the way, we unlock our potential for growth, creativity, and resilience. So, let us embrace the beauty of imperfection and embark on our journeys with open hearts and minds, ready to discover new horizons and reach our true potential.